This is the website for the 2016 Project Green Challenge. To see the current site for this year's contest, click here.

Day 16




“If we cannot envision the world we would like to live in, we cannot work towards its creation. If we cannot place ourselves in it in our imagination, we will not believe it is possible.” ~ Chellis Glendinning, author of My Name is Chellis and I’m in Recovery from Western Civilization


Your living space tells a story about you. Photos capture moments in time, books offer insight into hobbies and passions, and even the color scheme in your room adds a layer of texture and flavor. But what does your home say about your relationship to the planet?

All too often we select furnishings, bedding, and decor based purely on look, without any consideration of the environmental impacts of these items. With a couple weeks of PGC under your belt, you know that when purchasing a notebook, bed linens, or a desk lamp, you don’t have to sacrifice the wellbeing of our planet for function or aesthetic.

Even when living in a dorm, you have the choice to prioritize environmental sustainability over cheap goods.

In addition to making informed choices about what you buy, greening your space involves an intentional mindset: recycle, repurpose, upcycle, source sustainably, and learn to live with less. Doing these things will not only reduce your impact but will also allow you to create an exceptional space that is uniquely you. By the end of this challenge, we hope you’ll be ready for your living space to tell a new, healthier story.





Here’s one aspect of your space to seriously consider. So much of our time is spent in our beds, whether sleeping, studying, reading, or hanging out. In fact, we spend about 25 years of our lives sleeping. There are harmful toxins hiding in conventional mattresses that emit gases over time, releasing dangerous chemicals into your body and the air of your space. Not to mention, if you’re sleeping on sheets/blankets/pillows made with conventionally grown cotton or synthetics like polyester, you’re increasing use of and exposure to toxins. Though conventional cotton only accounts for 2.4% of the world’s cropland, it is responsible for 24% of global pesticide sales. Organic cotton is grown without pesticides or herbicides and is not genetically modified.



  • Select one item from your bed and take a picture of it.
  • Research and share what it is made of and where it was made.
  • Share two important facts/ concerns associated with the materials used.
  • What surprised you about this information?
  • Find a sustainable alternative (let us know the website where you found it and best pricing you can find) for one of your items and share two health and environmental benefits of that alternative.
  • Create a side-by-side graphic comparing your conventional and sustainable alternative items.
  • Share your graphic on a social media platform of your choice and caption it with the information you learned from this challenge. Tag @TurningGreenOrg and use the hashtag #PGC2016.



Upload a PDF document with your responses and a screenshot of your post. Please include your name (or team name), username, email address, and school.


Submission Guidelines

  • Please submit all entries as PDFs – no word or pages docs.
  • Please save filenames using the following format: firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf (ex: kasie_shils_day1_greener_2016.pdf)
  • Do not include # in filenames
  • Please be sure to include all content for your submission in one doc
  • Do not upload a file bigger than 5 MB
  • Link images if possible
  • You will get a confirmation that your submission uploaded correctly. If you did not get a confirmation, please try again.
  • If your total points do not change, your submission did not load correctly and you will have to try again.
  • Send any questions you have to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #PGC2016.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.




Now that you’ve started digging into your space and thinking about its impact, let’s take it to the next level and look across all of the choices and decisions that are made when curating your space. We often prioritize aesthetic and price over quality and impact. However, with forethought, you can find tons of affordable and environmentally conscious items to rethink your home.



Download PGC’s Dorm Room Checklist template here

  • Your task is to find the most sustainable and cost effective version of each item that’s listed. You may delete items that you won’t use and add items that are unique to you.
    • TIP: shopping consciously is far less expensive than shopping conventionally when you choose to reuse! Places like eBay, Etsy, Goodwill or Craigslist feature vintage and consigned items that are usually in great condition, long lasting, and more unique. You can also check out Trash is for Tossers for some great ideas and inspiration as well as on line outlet stores for bedding.
    • Note: Up to 75 bonus points will be awarded for best pricing and best finds so dig deep!



Save your excel spreadsheet as a PDF document and upload it. Please make sure to include your name (or team name), username, email address, and school in your document.


Submission Guidelines

  • Please submit all entries as PDFs – no word or pages docs.
  • Please save filenames using the following format: firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf (ex: kasie_shils_day1_greener_2016.pdf)
  • Do not include # in filenames
  • Please be sure to include all content for your submission in one doc
  • Do not upload a file bigger than 5 MB
  • Link images if possible
  • You will get a confirmation that your submission uploaded correctly. If you did not get a confirmation, please try again.
  • If your total points do not change, your submission did not load correctly and you will have to try again.
  • Send any questions you have to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #PGC2016.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.




Now that you’re getting a sense for the health and environmental impacts of your home, we want you to create a resource to share your wisdom. We are calling it the Conscious Living 101 (CL101) packet.



  • With the creation of CL101 we want incoming students to understand what makes for a healthy living space. We want it be visual, informational and very convincing to prompt students to make better choices.
    • Write a letter of introduction to a new student that introduces the packet and provides advice on greening their dorm room as they begin their college experience
    • Include your checklist and at least 5 great resources of your choosing about the importance of making sustainable choices
    • Provide your top 10 tips on how to become a conscious shopper
    • Include the top 10 brands/shopping destinations based on company’s ethics and values


Note: We want this to be comprehensive and nicely designed, so we are incentivizing up to 150 points (based on the discretion of our judges) for this Greenest challenge.



Upload a PDF document of your letter. Please include your name (or team name), username, email address, and school.


Submission Guidelines

  • Please submit all entries as PDFs – no word or pages docs.
  • Please save filenames using the following format: firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf (ex: kasie_shils_day1_greener_2016.pdf)
  • Do not include # in filenames
  • Please be sure to include all content for your submission in one doc
  • Do not upload a file bigger than 5 MB
  • Link images if possible
  • You will get a confirmation that your submission uploaded correctly. If you did not get a confirmation, please try again.
  • If your total points do not change, your submission did not load correctly and you will have to try again.
  • Send any questions you have to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #PGC2016.



The deadline for entering this challenge has past.