This is the website for the 2016 Project Green Challenge. To see the current site for this year's contest, click here.

Day 27




“Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance”.

~ Robert Kennedy (1925-1968), American politician

Imagine dropping a tiny pebble into a still pond and watching that one small impact set off a series of ripples that grow larger and larger, emanating outward until, eventually, they have spanned the entire pond. You are that pebble. You can have that impact.

Throughout the past 25 days, you have learned that all actions have impacts, both positive and negative, which are felt by people and places often never considered. In PGC, we focus on the importance of simple changes and mindful actions. Consider the transition in your own life since the first day of PGC. How have you changed? Who have you inspired? What have you learned about your inner power to inspire others and to prompt change?

Actions as simple as filling a reusable water bottle, opting for a cup of fair trade coffee, cooking a FLOSN meal or stepping outside of your comfort zone by submitting a piece to your school newspaper, proposing change to school leaders, reaching out to strangers whose paths you would never have crossed… have elevated your boldness, dedication, intention and passion throughout PGC, and caused a ripple effect. You, one person! Remember –“Many small people in small places doing small things can change the world.” ~Eduardo Galeano

Now, we are asking you to further your thought process. How can you continue to create waves going forward? How will you make your voice heard? How will you include others with you on this powerful journey to change the course of our planet – because together, you are a massive force for good that is unstoppable. Whether you assert your power in support of ethical businesses like our partner today, Amy’s Kitchen, become involved in campus sustainability efforts, organize marches for causes you believe in, conduct important research, or create inspiring art, it is important to find an authentic voice in this movement working toward a safe, healthy, just, sustainable world.

Take note of our partner, Green America, and their vision “we work for a world where all people have enough, where all communities are healthy and safe and where the bounty of the earth is preserved for all generations to come.”

Think about your vision? If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do to change the world?





Consider the changes you have made in your daily life as part of PGC. Imagine the ripple effect you have had among your peers, on your campus, and in your community. It’s BIG!



  • Watch the Ted Talk of the day for inspiration
  • Read the EcoWatch article and watch an extraordinary film clip from Leonardo DiCaprio’s documentary, #BeforeTheFlood, premiering all over the world on 10/30.
  • Depict three examples of how you caused a ripple effect during your PGC experience (feel free to be creative)
  • Which one has caused the largest impact? How?
  • On the social media platform of your choice, share one thing you have changed in your life as a result of PGC and its positive impact. Tag @TurningGreenOrg and include #PGC2016.



Upload a PDF document with your responses and a screenshot of your post. Please include your name (or team name), username, email address, and school.


Submission Guidelines

  • Please submit all entries as PDFs – no word or pages docs.
  • Please save filenames using the following format: firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf (ex: kasie_shils_day1_greener_2016.pdf)
  • Do not include # in filenames
  • Please be sure to include all content for your submission in one doc
  • Do not upload a file bigger than 5 MB
  • Link images if possible
  • You will get a confirmation that your submission uploaded correctly. If you did not get a confirmation, please try again.
  • If your total points do not change, your submission did not load correctly and you will have to try again.
  • Send any questions you have to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #PGC2016.


The deadline for entering this challenge has past.




The way we approach living life comes back to mindset. If you think you can accomplish something, you can. If you think you are a change maker, you are. If you model behavior, lead with intention, and walk your talk – your actions will be far-reaching and powerful.



Your peers, family, and teachers have been observing, maybe even participating in your PGC journey over the past 26 days. You have started a ripple around you and now it’s time to capture the impact. So today, we are not only asking you to be an inspiration for change, but to record what happens in the process as well.

  • Tap 3 people in your community and ask them each to commit to do one thing in the next 24 hours that will contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle, campus or community. It could be a simple small action or the start of a movement.
  • Take a photo of them in action (or ask them each to send you a photo)
  • Compile the photos to make a creative scrapbook, collage, or however you chose to share what each person accomplished with a great caption.
  • Which action inspired you most? Why?



Upload a PDF document with your response and photo collage. Please include your name (or team name), username, email address and school.


Submission Guidelines

  • Please submit all entries as PDFs – no word or pages docs.
  • Please save filenames using the following format: firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf (ex: kasie_shils_day1_greener_2016.pdf)
  • Do not include # in filenames
  • Please be sure to include all content for your submission in one doc
  • Do not upload a file bigger than 5 MB
  • Link images if possible
  • You will get a confirmation that your submission uploaded correctly. If you did not get a confirmation, please try again.
  • If your total points do not change, your submission did not load correctly and you will have to try again.
  • Send any questions you have to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #PGC2016.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.



Up to 200 Points Awarded at the Discretion of the PGC Judges

Due on October 31, 2016 at 6 am PT



How will you start a ripple that won’t stop until you’ve witnessed its impact? You are the power of one. Today we are giving you time to think expansively, deeply, boldly, and to be fearless.



In the Eco Hero challenge you were asked to identify a theme that resonated with you during PGC. And, you were asked to picture yourself as an eco hero. In this challenge, we invite you to channel your inner eco hero and bring these two concepts together.


What did you come to understand during PGC that you want to change? We want you to create a project that addresses that need and build a framework to accomplish it. The goal is to have an impact on student life or your campus community. It can be a simple action or the start of a movement. Up to you.


Be thoughtful. This is your chance to take your newfound wisdom and act on it!


  • Describe your project. What do you want to accomplish? Write up your idea.
  • Set goals, outcomes and develop a timeline for completion (you have 4 days to finish this challenge)
  • Important things to consider:
    • How will you achieve your goals?
    • Who will be on your team to help bring this project to fruition?
    • What expertise will you require?
    • Do you need to get permission to enact this change?
      • If so, contact a leader on your campus who plays a key role in decision-making (depending on your idea, this could be a teacher, an RA, an administrator, or even your school’s president).
      • Set up a meeting and present your idea. Who did you contact? What was the outcome?
  • Develop tools for communicating your idea. This could include a flyer, blog post, social media posts etc. to communicate the change you desire to make and engage others.



Upload a PDF document with your project plan. Please include your name (or team name), username, email address and school.


Submission Guidelines

  • Please submit all entries as PDFs – no word or pages docs.
  • Please save filenames using the following format: firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf (ex: kasie_shils_day1_greener_2016.pdf)
  • Do not include # in filenames
  • Please be sure to include all content for your submission in one doc
  • Do not upload a file bigger than 5 MB
  • Link images if possible
  • You will get a confirmation that your submission uploaded correctly. If you did not get a confirmation, please try again.
  • If your total points do not change, your submission did not load correctly and you will have to try again.
  • Send any questions you have to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #PGC2016.


The deadline for entering this challenge has past.