This is the website for the 2016 Project Green Challenge. To see the current site for this year's contest, click here.

Day 8




“Anybody can put anything in a bottle and call it natural. And they do”

~ Annie Leonard, Executive Director, Greenpeace

How you feel in your skin is super important. How you feel in your skin affects your perspective, outlook, feelings and overall wellbeing. When your skin is dry, you moisturize. If your hair feels greasy, you shampoo. When your breath isn’t so fresh, you brush. Your daily routine exposes your skin to many different products; products that you are told make you clean and healthy.

But here’s the irony. More often than not, these seemingly harmless products contain chemical ingredients that are actually harmful to your health. Your skin is your largest organ, absorbing 60% – that’s right, more than half – of everything you put on it.

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a project of the Breast Cancer Fund, states that on average, women use 12 personal care products daily, while men use an average of six. That means every day we expose ourselves to hundreds of individual chemical ingredients. So who ensures that the shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, shaving cream, lotion, sunscreen, makeup and hair color we put in and on our bodies everyday are actually safe?

In the United States, it’s neither the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) nor any other governing body. Surprisingly, no one conducts pre-market safety testing or review of the ingredients that companies use in the products we buy. Compared to the almost 1,400 harmful chemicals banned from cosmetic and personal care products in Europe, only 11 of these toxic ingredients have been banned in the US.

Even more disappointing ­, when we try to purchase products that we think are safe, what’s on the package doesn’t always match up with what’s in the product. It’s important to know your labels and brands by researching the company’s ethics and values. Words like natural, herbal, and sometimes even organic represent what is called “greenwashing” as these terms are not always regulated or certified by a third party. Not to mention that not all ingredients are even listed.

The good news is that ethical brands are out there big time, like today’s partner Acure Organics, formulating products with intention and using the best ingredients they can source. They are accessible, (found at Whole Foods, Target, local independent grocers and co-ops), affordable, and every bit as effective (or more so), not to mention better for people and planet. Non-profits such as MadeSafe are also doing their part by raising awareness and third party verifying non-toxic personal care products – REALLY non-toxic.





When purchasing personal care or cosmetic products, you often search for the product that is going to make you look great and feel good, considering price, packaging, brand affinity, and so forth.

But how often do you flip over the package and actually read the ingredients?



  • Watch filmmaker Annie Leonard’s “Story of Cosmetics” and this video from AJ+
    • Share two new facts that you learned and two ways that you will rethink your daily routine based on this new information.
  • List all the personal care products you use daily and look at their ingredients lists.
    • Pick out one hard to pronounce ingredient that you’ve never heard of. Name it. What’s its function in the product? Does it have any health and environmental impacts?
    • Use resources like Campaign for Safe Cosmetic’s Chemicals of Concern or Made Safe’s Blog or Education pages to do your research.
  • Based on what you learned, commit to making one change in your daily routine starting today. Tell us what it will be and why (max 100 words)



Upload a PDF Document with your responses. Please include your name (or team name), username, email address and school.


Submission Guidelines

  • Please submit all entries as PDFs – no word or pages docs.
  • Please save filenames using the following format: firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel.pdf (ex: kasie_shils_day1_greener.pdf)
  • Do not include # in filenames
  • Please be sure to include all content for your submission in one doc
  • Do not upload a file bigger than 5 MB
  • Link images if possible
  • You will get a confirmation that your submission uploaded correctly. If you did not get a confirmation, please try again.
  • If your total points do not change, your submission did not load correctly and you will have to try again.
  • Send any questions you have to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #PGC2016.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.




Even if you read the ingredient labels before purchasing products, you may not be getting the whole story. A single ingredient, like “synthetic fragrance,” can actually contain thousands of different ingredients with proven health risks. In fact, in the United States, no government mandates require that the ingredients found in “fragrance” or “parfum” be listed on the package or anywhere else for that matter – which translates into a serious lack of transparency to the consumer, YOU!


If you have a smartphone, download the Think Dirty App, and if not, use the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics Red List to check ingredients.

  • Pick one personal care product that you can’t live without.
  • Snap a photo on your phone and scan the product’s barcode into the app, or use the Red List to scan ingredients.
  • According to the app, what is the overall hazard rating? Which ingredients did you find to be potentially hazardous?
  • Which ingredient has the highest hazard rating in your product? What is the basis for the rating?
  • Find a sustainable alternative for your conventional product at a local green grocer or online retailer. Check out brands like Acure Organics, Dr. Bronner’s, EO Products, and Desert Essence. You can also check out Made Safe’s Certified Products list for some more ideas.
  • Share the name, brand, and ingredient list of your clean alternative, and where you found it.
  • What is the cost of each product?
  • Share two things that make the eco-friendly item a safer and healthier choice.
  • Will you make the switch? Why or why not?
  • Create a Facebook or Instagram post featuring your conventional product and its alternative. Make an infographic to inform your followers about the health and environmental impacts of the conventional product and include two great facts that you learned.



Upload a PDF Document with your responses. Include a screenshot of your social media post, along with any comments. Please include a screenshot of your social media post. Include your name (or team name), username, email address and school.

Submission Guidelines

  • Please submit all entries as PDFs – no word or pages docs.
  • Please save filenames using the following format: firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel.pdf (ex: kasie_shils_day1_greener.pdf)
  • Do not include # in filenames
  • Please be sure to include all content for your submission in one doc
  • Do not upload a file bigger than 5 MB
  • Link images if possible
  • You will get a confirmation that your submission uploaded correctly. If you did not get a confirmation, please try again.
  • If your total points do not change, your submission did not load correctly and you will have to try again.
  • Send any questions you have to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #PGC2016.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.




Now that you understand the impact of the choices you make daily, try exploring some different options. Here’s a super fun and simple idea: DIY. Making your own bath and body products ensures total transparency – you get to know exactly what is in your product because you made it!, And thus, you’ll know it’s safe for you… and the planet too, thanks to less packaging and waste. Plus, you just might save some money.


  • Find a natural DIY recipe to replace one of your personal care products (Check out recipes on our Pinterest board or on the internet to get started!)
  • Gather a group of two or more friends and have a DIY party!.
  • Share five facts with your friends that you learned from the PGC Body challenge and what changes you will make in your daily routine. Share two things that surprised them.
  • Write up the facts you shared, the recipe you used (including ingredients and preparation), and snap a photo of the final product
  • How was this experience? Will you be making more DIY products in the future?



Upload a PDF Document with your responses. Please include your name (or team name), username, email address and school.

Submission Guidelines

  • Please submit all entries as PDFs – no word or pages docs.
  • Please save filenames using the following format: firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel.pdf (ex: kasie_shils_day1_greener.pdf)
  • Do not include # in filenames
  • Please be sure to include all content for your submission in one doc
  • Do not upload a file bigger than 5 MB
  • Link images if possible
  • You will get a confirmation that your submission uploaded correctly. If you did not get a confirmation, please try again.
  • If your total points do not change, your submission did not load correctly and you will have to try again.
  • Send any questions you have to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #PGC2016.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.

Extra Credit


Up to 75 Points. Awarded at the Discretion of the PGC Team

Due on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 6 am PT


There is power in numbers and now it’s time to share the wealth of this new knowledge with others. Tell them what you’ve learned and help them change their ways. In turn, your friends will tell their friends, and so on and so on. You will start a ripple effect. You have a choice and you have a voice.


Let’s test out the Think Dirty App and newly acquired knowledge in the real world.

  • Head to your local grocer, drug or on-campus store. Take a friend who needs to buy a new bath or body product or find an interested customer at the store.
  • Find out what product they are considering buying. Input or scan them into the Think Dirty App.
  • Share the results of what you find with your interviewee and take notes or film their reaction.
    • Were they surprised that there are harmful chemicals in the product they typically use?
    • Did you inspire them to seek out a safer alternative?
    • Share two things you taught them. What did you tell them about the WHY?
    • What product did you recommend?



Upload a PDF document with your responses and a link to your video. Include photos, video and/or quotes. Please include your name (or team name), username, email address, and school.

Submission Guidelines

  • Please submit all entries as PDFs – no word or pages docs.
  • Please save filenames using the following format: firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel.pdf (ex: kasie_shils_day1_greener.pdf)
  • Do not include # in filenames
  • Please be sure to include all content for your submission in one doc
  • Do not upload a file bigger than 5 MB
  • Link images if possible
  • You will get a confirmation that your submission uploaded correctly. If you did not get a confirmation, please try again.
  • If your total points do not change, your submission did not load correctly and you will have to try again.
  • Send any questions you have to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #PGC2016.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.